The Truth about Ceramic Braces in Fayetteville, NC

Getting braces is an exciting milestone, as it means you’re on your way to a straighter, healthier smile. Most people, when they picture getting braces, envision the silver metal brackets with wires and bands. While this is still a popular, effective choice for straightening your teeth, there are other options available, including ceramic braces. Getting […]
3 Reasons Your Braces Are Still On

Braces are a common orthodontic treatment for all ages. Currently in the U.S., over four million people wear braces, and out of those, 25 percent of them are adults. Typically, people wear braces for 16 to 18 months. If your treatment is taking longer, you might wonder why your braces are still on when other […]
12 Things You Should Know Before Getting Braces

Have you decided you’re ready to achieve your best smile with MyOrthodontist? Are braces the right fit for your lifestyle and your orthodontic needs? If so, you are about to join approximately 4 million Americans who have also said yes and are currently sporting braces. Braces are super common and you probably know someone who […]
Braces FAQ: Do Braces Hurt?

Hello everyone, this is Naomi with MyOrthodontist and today I’m going to answer one of our most frequently asked questions, which is “Do braces hurt?” The process of orthodontics uses tension and compression in order to move your teeth into their desired position. Underneath the gums, the bone and the ligament have to change in […]
How to Take Invisalign Progress Photos for Your Virtual Orthodontic Appointment

Hello everyone, this is Naomi with MyOrthodontist. Today I’m going to show you how to take your photos for your progress checks if you have Invisalign. The virtual consultation portal shows a great video on how to upload the pictures that we need. The first pictures that we need are pictures of your front teeth […]
Keeping Your Teeth Healthy with Anytime, Mealtime, and Sometimes Foods and Drinks

Hello everyone, this is Naomi with MyOrthodontist. I am a registered dental hygienist and today I’m going to talk to you about three categories of foods and drinks that you should know about to help keep your teeth their healthiest. Every time you introduce sugars into your mouth, your saliva becomes more acidic. And every […]
Dr. Larry Moray and The Happy Tooth Foundation Donate $150,000 to UNC-Chapel Hill to Fight Food Insecurity Among Students

“Think about how many Albert Einsteins, Bill Gateses or Steve Jobses are lost in our system because they weren’t given the food they needed,” said Dr. Larry Moray, ’90 (D.D.S.), ’97 (M.S.), president of MyOrthodontist. Food insecurity is a significant problem in North Carolina, including within the Chapel Hill area, affecting 15% of Orange County’s […]
What Are the Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening?

With all of the over-the-counter products on the market claiming to whiten teeth, you may be wondering why anyone would visit a professional to have their teeth whitened. Well, the truth is, there are many benefits of professional teeth whitening from a clinic like MyOrthodontist in Chapel Hill, NC, that you simply can’t get from […]
Why Do Ceramic Braces Take Longer?

Do you want to avoid feeling self-conscious about wearing braces? As an adult, you might prefer ceramic over traditional metal braces because they’re more discreet. However, ceramic braces may take longer and require more care and maintenance. At MyOrthodontist in Chapel Hill, NC, we can help you find ways to speed up your orthodontic treatment […]
What Can a Dentist Do To Treat Gingivitis?

Gingivitis, also known as mild gum disease or periodontal disease, is a fairly common ailment. However, gum disease that isn’t treated properly can quickly develop into something more severe. Our specialists at MyOrthodontist in Chapel Hill, NC. We’re here to help you tackle the topic of gum disease, and what a dentist can do to […]