Tooth Wisdom Blog

Understanding What an Orthodontic Specialist Does for You

Why Choose An Orthodontic Specialist for Alignment Treatments

Get the best treatment from the right kind of doctor. A lot of people assume that when they have an issue with their teeth or gums they should immediately contact a dentist. It’s great to be in contact with a good one, but a dentist is not who you should call when for every kind of issue, especially alignment issues. Find out why for the best quality of care you should call an orthodontic specialist instead:

Get Expert Insights

An orthodontic specialist is a very specific kind of doctor that focused exclusively on the teeth and jaws. They receive the same training as dentists but then go on to complete several years of advanced coursework focused on the diagnosis and treatment of issues afflicting the teeth and jaws. That kind of specialization is invaluable when you’re trying to treat alignment issues. There is no reason not to seek out the most appropriate kind of care.

Find the Best Treatment Option

As the patient, you’re less interested in causes and more interested in solutions. An orthodontic specialist can diagnose your specific alignment issue and find the most effective, economical, and comfortable treatment option. The simple fact is that correcting alignment issues is a long process that is inconvenient at best and painful at worst. Someone with extensive expertise in this area can find ways to make the treatment process as pleasant as possible.

Safeguard Your Smile

After you’ve undergone an orthodontic treatment, you want to ensure that your smile stays straight for life. But alignment issues are not separate from other oral health concerns, and patients will need to be diligent if they want the results to be lasting.

An orthodontic specialist is qualified to provide ongoing checkups and spot looming alignment issues before they develop into major ones. They can also work with your dentist to develop a comprehensive oral care routine customized for you. If you want to avoid a gap-toothed smile for good, you will need to know an orthodontic specialist.

If you have any questions or need more information about orthodontic services, check out our Orthodontic FAQs.

The Orthodontic Specialists of North Carolina

If you’re still unsure whether to contact a dentist or an orthodontic specialist, why not work with a team that includes both? At MyOrthodontist, we are able and eager to meet all your oral health needs, from the major to the minor. And our whole team works together to ensure you get the most comprehensive care possible.

Take the confusion out of the process, and know that you’re getting the best for yourself and your smile. Contact MyOrthodontist to speak directly to someone who can answer all your questions.

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